CRE Workshop REME (Operation CROWN), Thailand, July 1965
Seated, left to right: Corporals (Cpl) Smith (REME) and Couch (REME); Sergeants (Sgt) Gaymer Derham (REME), Barber (Royal Army Ordance Corps RAOC), Perkins (REME) and Bamford (REME); Warrant Officer Second Class (WO2) Bradbury (RAOC); Warrant Officer First Class (WO1) Conductor (Cdr) Cooper (RAOC); Major N M Chisolm (REME); Captain P A Bloxham (REME); WO1 Mouzer (REME); Sgts Denby (Royal New Zealand Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RNZEME) and Johnstone (Royal New Zealand Engineers RNZE); Cpls Savage (Royal Engineers RE), Sloan (RAOC), Tennant (REME), and Prescott (REME).
1st row standing, left to right: Craftsman (Cfn) Whitney (REME); Sapper (Spr) Baker (RE); Private (Pte) Harvey (RAOC); Spr Rowlands (RE); Cfn Woods (REME); Cpl Durkin (REME); Cfn Troughton (REME) and Barfoot (REME); Cpl Newton (REME); Lance Corporals (LCpl) Steer (RE), Rex (RE), Brown (RE) and Batham (REME); Cfn Hay (REME), Brogan (REME), and Stokes (REME); LCpl Armitage (REME); Pte Sheridan (RAOC); and Cfn Bennett (REME).
2nd row, left to right: Cfn Burtoft (REME) and Baxter (REME); LCpl Heal (RE); Sprs Guerin (RE) and Wareham (RE); Pte Sullivan (RAOC); Cfn Totton (REME), and Junior Technician (J/T) Desmier (Royal Air Force RAF).
Back row, left to right: LCpl Wilson (REME); Pte Heal (RAOC); J/T Grimes (RAF); LCpl Corke; Cfn Laurence (RNZEME); LCpl Morrison (REME); Cfn Walker (RNZEME) and Vitalis (REME); LCpl Archer (RAOC); Pte Kelly (RAOC); Cfn Lawless (REME) and Thacker (REME); Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Cook (RAF); Cfn Hoolihan (REME); Cpl Hook (RE); and LCpls Simmonds (RAOC), Bovingdon (RAOC) and Jeffry (RAOC).
From the album ‘Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Far East Land Forces’.
July 1965
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