LS&GC Presentations, School of Electronic Engineering (SEE), Arborfield, November 1978.

LS&GC Presentations, School of Electronic Engineering (SEE), Arborfield, November 1978.

Cmdt (Commandant) Col R Hume, presented personnel all serving at SEE, with their Long Service and Good Conduct (LS&GC) medals in the SEE Sergeants’ Mess, Arborfield.

Standing: Sgts: Morrish, Schofield, Lloyd, Lenteys, Golding and Brookes.

Sitting: SSgts: Wincza, Chambers, Pashley, Curtis, WO2 (AQMS) Shearsmith and WO1 (ASM) Smith.

10 November 1978

From the album: ‘REME in the UK Volume II’ compiled by REME Museum. There is a relevant article in ‘The Craftsman’, February 1979, p72.

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