6 Armoured Brigade and Signal Squadron, LAD (Light Aid Detachment)
Group photograph of 6 Armd Bde (Armoured Brigade) and Sig Sqn (Signal Squadron), LAD (Light Aid Detachment)
Back row, Left to Right: L Cpl (Lance Corporal) Matulewicz, Cfn (Craftsmen) Crook, Brooks and Askew, LCpls Wilson and Thom, Cfn Flew and Cpl (Corporal) King.
Front row, Left to Right: ASM (Artificer Sergeant Major) O’Hara, Cfn Perrin, Cpls Dann and Ewen, Sgt (Sergeant) Tate RAOC (Royal Army Ordnance Corps), Cpl Grimison, Cfn Hull, Cfn Mack and Sgt Mills.
c 1975
From the album: ‘REME in BAOR (British Army of the Rhine)’ compiled by the REME Museum
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