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Photos with tags: 1960s
Junior Leaders' Unit REME: Cricket XI 1961
Group Photograph: No 15 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 16 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 4 Civilian Professional Engineers, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 3 Workshop Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 18 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 19 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 21 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 22 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 34 REME Commissioning Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 7 Junior Tactics, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 8 Junior Tactics Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 10 Junior Tactics Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 2 AEO Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 3 Civilian Professional Engineers Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 8 Newly Commissioned Officers Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 12 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 13 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 14 Newly Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 4 Workshop Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 5 Workshop Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 7 Workshop Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 5 Junior Tactics and SD Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 7 TAC and SD Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 7 Newly Commissioned Warrant Officers & Non-Commissioned Officers Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 4A Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 4B Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 5 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 5B Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 6 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 1 Workshop Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 1 Short Service Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 6 Short Service Commissioned Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Symposium: 1 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commander and 8 Workshop Practice Courses, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 1 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 2 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commanders’ Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 6 Newly Commissioned Warrant Officers & Non-Commissioned Officers Course, REME Officers’ School
Visit of Brigadier MF Scott, Inspector of REME, to the Corps of Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Sham Shui Po Camp, Hong Kong, 50 Command Workshop REME
Burmese Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (BEME) 48 Ghurkha Infantry Brigade Group, November 1963
Visit of Brigadier MF Scott, Inspector of REME, to 52 Command Workshop REME, Aden, 9 January 1963
Visit of Brigadier MF Scott, Inspector of REME, to 9 Infantry Workshop REME, Cyprus
40 Base Workshop
10 Port Squadron Workshop, Singapore, November 1969
18 Signal Regiment Light Aid Detachment (LAD)
Corps Rugby Team, 1967-1970.
34 Artificer Weapons Course, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (SEME), April 1969.
The Dining Out of Major General (Maj Gen) Sir Leslie N Tyler, West Court, January 1968.
Dinner Night, 26 Command Workshop, January 1968.
Brigadier D W Coyle presents the Hutchings Trophy for flight safety to Sergeant W Batey, 70 Aircraft Workshop, August 1969.
Presentation of awards to Warrant Officers and NCOs by the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME), Arborfield, 1968.
A Royal Occasion. 1st Battalion The Scots Guards, Edinburgh, 1968
REME Officers’ School, Arborfield, September 1969.
WOI CH Burrell receives the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM), October 1969.
Armourers Apprentices’ Course, Army Apprentices College, Carlisle.
REME HQ Officers’ Mess, West Court, Arborfield, October 1965.
Second Management Seminar, REME Officers’ School, Arborfield, 1965.
Presentation of cheques to the Army Benevolent Fund at Bordon.
Staff Sergeant Gilbert Warner receiving the British Empire Medal (BEM) for service in Borneo (Brunei).
Members of 275 Railway Squadron (V) and civilian staff at Bicester.
Annual Camp Territorial and Volunteer Army Reserve (TAVR)
Corps Secretariat REME at Moat House, 1966.
HRH Princess Marina, Corps Colonel in Chief, at Arborfield, 1966.
‘A’ Team Modern Pentathlon, 1963.
First Visit by HRH Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, as Colonel in Chief to Aborfield, 1964
First visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, Colonel in Chief of the Corps to Arborfield, 1964.
REME HQ Officers’ Mess, West Court, Arborfield, October 1965.
The Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 1964.
3 Carabiniers LAD (Light Aid Detachment) with hovercraft, December 1966.
Technical Services BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), Shooting Team, 1969.
5 Infantry Workshop, Nijmegan Marchers
87 Telecommunications Workshop in the field, September 1966.
51 Station Workshop, BSU SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe)
51 Station Workshop
65 Station Workshop REME, Bahrain, 1969.
The Restoration of Cyprus Government Railway Locomotive Number 1
Headquarters United Nations Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP) Workshop, Cyprus.
48 Command Workshop REME, Shooting Team
Artificer Sergeant Major (ASM) Hay checking 40/70 Anti-Aircraft (AA) equipment, Malta, January 1969.
53 Command Workshop, Malta, Annual Wives Club Children’s Party, Easter 1963.
Ex Commanding Officers, RAEME Training Centre, Bandiana, Victoria, Australia
Recovery Exercise, Rift Valley, Ngong Hills, Kenya, January 1963.
No 11 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course, 21 June to 3 July 1964
‘The visit of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh to Arborfield’
‘Visit of the Colonel In Chief to the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering’
‘Visit of the Colonel In Chief to the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering’
No 2 REME Regular Army Officers’ Course, November 1963
No 1 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course, 2 to 7 May 1960
No 5 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course, 20 to 25 June 1960
No 6 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course, 10 to 21 July 1961
No 7 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course
No 8/9(?) Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course
No 10 Territorial Army (TA)/Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Probationary Officers’ Course, 12 to 23 August 1963
No 2 REME Regular Army Officers’ Course, 9 to 21 May 1965
No 3 Territorial Army (TA)/Personal Staff Officer (PSO) Course, 20 April to 4 May 1960
No 5 Territorial Army (TA)/Personal Staff Officer (PSO) Course, 21 November to 13 December 1961
Senior Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) officers in Malaya, c 1960
March of Malay, other ranks
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (EME) Directorate Far East Land Forces (FARELF), 1963.
Brigadier D A K Redman OBE, DEME War Office Designate
41 Base Workshop, Singapore.
41 Base Workshop, Singapore
On exercise in Malaya (Malaysia)
Millar Suspension Bridge
Millar Suspension Bridge
Brigadier D A K Redman OBE, DEME War Office Designate
CRE Workshop REME (Operation CROWN), Thailand, July 1965
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshops REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
Apprentices of all communities train in the Command Workshop REME at Dhekelia
No 42 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1969
No 35 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1965
No 36 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1966
No 37 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1966
No 38 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, c 1967
No 39 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1967.
No 40 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1968
No 41 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1968
No 27 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1961
No 28 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1962
No 29 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1962
No 30 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1963
No 31 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, c 1963
No 32 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1964
No 33 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, c 1964
No 34 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1965
No 24 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1960.
No 25 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1961
No 6A Special Regular Young Officers (Workshop Practice) Course, REME Officers’ School, 1960.
No 7 Regular Young Officers (Workshop Practice) Course, REME Officers’ School, 1961.
No 26 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1960
Major General D A K Redman, CB, OBE, inspecting Quarter Guard of 2 Royal Tank Regiment Light Aid Detachment (LAD) REME, North Africa, 24 January 1962.
‘A Unique Corps Occasion’: Major General Lord, CB, CBE presents his sword to his son, May 1960.
Major General D A K Redman, CB, OBE, inspecting Independent Armoured Squadron Workshop, 28 January 1961
Headquarters Training Brigade REME, September 1961
Army Apprentices School, Arborfield Passing Out Parade, July 1963
Army Apprentices School, Arborfield Passing Out Parade, July 1963
Visit of Major General Atkinson to 1 Infantry Workshop REME, Kahawa, Kenya, 13 November 1963
Major General Atkinson, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME), visits Hong Kong, November 1964
Major General Atkinson, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME), visits Hong Kong, November 1964
52 Command Workshop REME, Aden: Vehicle repaired for civilian.
52 Command Workshop REME, Aden: aerial photograph of the site
52 Command Workshop REME, Aden: Guard of Honour
52 Command Workshop REME, Aden: individuals with tortoises in front of headquarters.
52 Command Workshop REME in Aden: hand over of Commanding Officer.
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Cricket XI Summer Term 1962
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Swimming Team Summer Term 1962
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Drama Group, Summer Term, 1962
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Concert Party 1963
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Hockey Team 1964
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Football Team 1964
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Rugby Team January 1964
Junior Leaders’ Unit REME: Rugby Union XV, 1960 – 1961
Junior Leaders’ Unit REME: Shooting Team 1961
Junior Leaders’ Unit REME: Athletics Team Summer Term
Junior Leaders’ Unit REME: Association Football XI 1961 – 1962
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Junior leaders receiving the Gold Award of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.
Junior Leaders’ Unit REME: Cross Country Team 1962
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Permanent Staff, 1960
Junior Leaders’ Unit, REME: Corps of Drums
Garrison Workshop, Gibraltar: Administrative Inspection,17 February 1961
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Final Passing Out Parade of Regular Recruits.
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Final Passing Out Parade of Regular Recruits.
No 1 Training Battalion, REME: Inspection by Brigadier G Laing, Deputy Commander South Western District.
No 1 Training Battalion, REME: Inspection by Brigadier G Laing, Deputy Commander South Western District.
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Remembrance Day Parade, 1960.
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Remembrance Day Parade, 1960.
Reunion of the 19th Ordnance Mechanical Engineer (OME) Course, 29 October 1960
Corporal R Brown REME (United Nations Force), with radio, Nicosia, Cyprus
1 Senior Military Course, March 1967
30 year reunion of the 17th Ordnance Mechanical Engineer (OME) Course, November 1968
Major J Peacock and Brigadier R T Barr, HMS Protector
REME Technical Training School, Duisburg, Germany
16 Parachute Workshop, Famagusta, Cyprus
3 Infantry Workshop, Hawley Lake