Photos with tags: 1950s

No 58 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: April 1958
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
Headquarters REME Gibraltar, St Jago’s Barracks, May 1951
Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess, Garrison Workshop REME, Gibraltar, May 1950
REME soldiers in Gibraltar
Gibraltar Command Rifle Meeting, Garrison Workshop REME, September 1952
Gibraltar Command Rifle Meeting, 1957
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951.
Group Photograph: No 1 TAC 8-5D, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 2 Junior Tactics, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 3 Junior Tactics, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 1 Short Service Regular Course, REME Officers’ School
No 2 Short Service Regular Course, REME Officers’ School
Group Photograph: No 1 Light Aid Detachment (LAD) Commander’s Course, REME Officers’ School
33 Advance Base Workshop, Japan, 1951
Exercise Rovergang 2
651 Light Aircraft Squadron Workshop, REME, Team for the King’s Cup Air Race 1959
2 Training Battalion Honiton Closing Scroll
The REME Corps Museum, Moat House, Arborfield, 1958.
Armament Sergeant Major PB Haytor, Pensioner Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 1959.
No 7 Commonwealth Officers’ Course, 6 Training Battalion, Bordon, 1953.
26 Command Workshop REME, Stirling,1953.
2 Medium Workshop AER (Army Emergency Reserve) REME, 1954.
82 Telecommunications Workshop REME, Army Emergency Reserve (AER), Stirling, July 1955.
3 Command Workshop with Brigadier C N Sanderson OBE, Castle Bromwich, 5 June 1959.
3 Command Workshop, Castle Bromwich, Rifle Shooting Team
1 Training Battalion, C Coy (Company) Football Team, c 1957.
Major General Leslie N Tyler CB OBE with Colonel TC Lowrie CBE, 37 Base Workshop, January 1956.
No 1 Regimental Training Unit, Royal Visit.
The 5000th recruit at The Depot REME
REME Birthday Parade, Arborfield, 1952
Officers and civilians at Anti-Aircraft Command School, Lydd, Kent.
No 6 Commonwealth Officers’ Course, 6 Training Battalion, Bordon, 1953.
5 Infantry Workshop, Nijmegan Marchers
1 Engineer ‘C’ Vehicle Workshop REME, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine)
Workshop Group, Maralinga Range Support Unit, Australia, October 1959
REME Services Caribbean Area, August 1958.
No 8 Reserve Officers’ Course, 17 to 26 August 1952
No 9 Reserve Officers’ Course, 31 August to 9 September 1952
No 3 Army Emergency Reserve (AER) Course, 24 August to 5 September 1953
No 1 Reserve Officers’ Course, 19 April to 3 May 1952
No 2 Reserve Officers’ Course, 3 to 17 May 1952
No 2 Reserve Officers’ Course, 17 to 31 May 1952
No 4 Reserve Officers’ Course, 7 to 21 June 1952
No 5 Reserve Officers’ Course, 21 June to 1 July 1952
No 6 Reserve Officers’ Course, 6 to 15 July 1952
No 7 Reserve Officers’ Course, 19 July to 2 August 1952
107 Transport Column Workshop, Annual Training, 1954
No 1 Territorial Army (TA)/Personal Staff Officer (PSO) Course, 28 January to 11 February 1954
No 3 Territorial Army (TA)/Personal Staff Officer (PSO) Course, 16 to 29 September 1954
No 1/2(?) Territorial Army (TA)/Personal Staff Officer (PSO) Course
289 Transport Company, 1952
331 Transport Company Light Aid Detachment (LAD). Annual Training, 1955.
1 Light Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Battery Workshop, 1951
2 Light Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Battery Workshop, 1951
6 Light Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Battery Workshop, 1951
107 Transport Column Workshop, 1951
43 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1953
44 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1952
44 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1953
44 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1954
3 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1953
75 Transport Company, 1953
104 Transport Company, 1952
104 Transport Company, 1953
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1956
38 Mobile Tyre Repair Unit, 1952
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1953
39 Mobile Tyre Repair Unit, 1952
43 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, 1951
43 Infantry Troops Recovery Unit, Bovington, 1951
185 Fast Launch Company Workshop at Fort Golden Hill, 16 to 30 June 1956.
184 Army Fire Boat Company Workshop, July 1955
79 Telecommunications Workshop, 1952
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1951
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1952
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1954
82 Telecommunications Workshop, 1955
369 Engineer ‘C’ Workshop, 1954
57 Armoured Troops Recovery Unit, 1951
52 Air Formation Signals, 1952
4 Railhead Evacuation, 1952
4 Army Repair Group, 1952
186 Water Transport Company, Fort Golden Hill, 1955
185 Fast Launch Company Workshop, Fort Golden Hill, 3 to 17 July 1954
185 Fast Launch Company Workshop, 1955
18 Port Workshop, 1952
18 Port Workshop, 1953
18 Port Workshop, 1954
30 Medium Workshop, 1952
17 Port Workshop, 1953
17 Port Workshop, 1954.
18 Port Workshop, 1951
74 Line of Communication Troops Workshop, 1952
48 Infantry Workshop REME Company, 1951
Headquarters CREME “X” Army Troops, 1953
Headquarters ‘X’ Guards Brigade Light Aid Detachment (LAD), 1952
11 Advance Base Workshop, 1951
17 Port Workshop, 1953
17 Port Workshop, 1952
75 Communication Zone Workshop, 1952
Headquarters CREME “X” Army Troops, 1953
76 Communication Zone Workshop,1952
76 Communication Zone Workshop, 1954
76 Communication Zone Workshop, 1954
50 Line of Communication Troops Workshop, REME, 1951
51 Medium Workshop, REME Army Emergency Reserve, 1954
70 Communication Zone Workshop, 1954
70 Communication Zone Workshop, 1955
71 Communication Zone Workshop, 1954
No 2 Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS), Camp Burscough
72 Communication Zone Workshop, 1952
73 Communication Zone Workshop, September 1952.
51 Medium Workshop REME, Army Emergency Reserve, 1954
Exercise “Rovergang” – adventure training for young officers
21 Corps Troops Workshop, HQ Supplementary Reserve, 1952
Exercise “Rovergang” – adventure training for young officers
Seven-a-Side rugby team, c 1958
13/18 Royal Hussars, ‘C’ Squadron, 3 Troop
REME Singapore hockey team, 1958/1959
Seven-a-Side rugby team, c 1958
Athletics team, c 1958
Football team, c 1958
Hockey team, c 1958
Senior staff of Far East Land Forces (FARELF)
Guard of Honour at a cocktail party in Malaya (Malaysia), March 1958
No 4 Regular Officers’ Refresher Course, REME Officers’ School, 1958
No 6 Regular Officers’ Refresher (Workshop Practice) Course, REME Officers’ School, 1959 – 1960
No 22A Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1959
No 23 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1959.
No 16 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1955
No 17 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1956
No 18 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1956
No 1 Regular Young Officers’ Refresher Course (Ex Civilian Works), 1955
No 19 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1957
No 2 Special Promotion Exam Course
No 20 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1957.
No 3 Regular Officers’ Refresher Course, REME Officers’ School, c 1957
No 21 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1958
No 22 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1958
No 7 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School.
No 8 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School.
No 10 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1952 – 1953
No 11 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
No 12 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School
No 13 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1954
No 14 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1954
No 15 Regular Young Officers’ Course, REME Officers’ School, 1955
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE to Berlin Workshop, 9 March 1957.
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE to Berlin Workshop, 9 March 1957.
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE to Berlin Workshop, 9 March 1957.
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE to Berlin Workshop, 9 March 1957.
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE, to Berlin Workshop, 9 March 1957.
Visit by Major General W A Lord, CB, CBE to Malaya (Malaysia), March 1955.
Headquarters REME Training Centre and Officers’ School, Management Course, February 1951.
1 Training Battalion’s Farewell Celebrations, October 1960
3 Command Workshop REME, Benghazi 1950-1951
Headquarters Training Brigade REME, January 1956
Headquarters Training Brigade REME, February 1957
Headquarters Training Brigade REME, October 1958
7 Infantry Workshop in Kenya
7 Infantry Workshop in Kenya
HQ REME 16 Airborne Division, Territorial Army (TA), Annual Camp at Lydd, Kent, 1953.
16 Airborne Division REME, Exercise ‘Burton Jumper’, 1955.
‘The Shooting Teams’, Garrison Workshop, Gibraltar 1957
7 Infantry Workshop in Kenya
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 32, March 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 20, September 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 21/22, September 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 23, October 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 24/25, November 1955.
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 26/27, December 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 28, January 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 29, January 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 30, February 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 31, February 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 8, February 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 9, March 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 10, March 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 11, April 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 12, April 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 13, April 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 14, May 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 15, June 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 16/17, June 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 18/19, August 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 1, November 1954
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 2, November 1954
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 3, December 1954
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 4, January 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 5, January 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 6, January 1955
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 7, February 1955
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Visit by Major General L N Tyler, CB, OBE, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME)
No 1 Training Battalion REME: ‘A’ Company Passing Out Parade 1958
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Visit of Major General (Retired) Sir Eric Bertram Rowcroft
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Visit by Lieutenant General Sir Nigel Poett, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Command.
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Visit of Major General Sir Eric Bertram Rowcroft (Retired) for the Queen’s Birthday Parade, 1959.
The combined Pipe and Drum Bands of 15 Training Battalion RASC and No 1 Training Battalion, REME.
No1 Training Battalion REME: Inspection by Her Highness Princess Marie Louise
No 1 Training Battalion REME Football Team 1950-51
No 1 Training Battalion REME: C Company Passing Out Parade
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Western United Services Small Arms Meeting
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Queen’s Birthday Parade Celebrations
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Physical Training Display Team
No 1 Training Battalion REME: B Company Passing Out Parade
No 1 Training Battalion REME Pipe Band
Visit of Major General S W Joslin to No 1 Training Battalion REME, Blandford
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Major General S W Joslin, Director of Mechanical Engineering (DME), inspecting the Corps 8th Birthday Parade.
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Corps 8th Birthday Celebrations
No 1 Training Battalion REME: Corps of Drums
No 1 Training Battalion REME: ‘A’ Company Passing Out Parade
Anti-Aircraft (A.A.) Command School, REME, Lydd, Kent, 1952
Anti-Aircraft (A.A.) Command School, REME, Lydd, Kent
Visit of Major General S W Joslin to No 1 Station Workshops, West Africa Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (WAEME), Accra, 20 September 1950
Her Majesty the Queen at Army Association Cup Final
Officers of HQ 28 Commonwealth Independent Infantry Brigade Group, Malaya (Malaysia)
9 Infantry Workshop REME, Cyprus
REME contingent, Coronation Parade
Guided Missile Training at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, USA
Tank and transporter recovery by 31 Armoured Workshop
41 Base Workshop, Singapore, 1957
41 Base Workshop, Singapore, April 1957
Captain Royston Acres and members of CCK Infantry Light Aid Detachment, Korea
Major General L H Howard-Jones, CBE inspecting the Quarter Guard at REME Workshop, Berlin
No 1 Training Battalion REME, Corps of Drums, Blandford
REME in Eritrea
No 56 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: January 1958
No 57 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: March 1958
No 59 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: April 1958
No 46, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: March 1957
No 47, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: April 1957
No 48, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: May 1957
No 49, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: June 1957
No 50, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: July 1957
No 51, Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: July 1957
No 52 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: September 1957
No 53 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: October 1957
No 54 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: November 1957
No 55 Cadet Officer General Course, Bordon: December 1957
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 36, May 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 37, May 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 38, June 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 39, July 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 41, September 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 42, October 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 43, November 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 44, January 1957
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 45, February 1957
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 33, March 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 34, April 1956
Officer Cadet Company, REME, Bordon: Intake No 35, April 1956
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951
11 Infantry Workshop REME, Korea, 1950-1951